Rabu, 10 September 2008

Yang ini Baru nama'y High Techno... Sepeda Jet Turbo Ne...

Sepeda Pake Jet Turbo!!

Feeling depressed because you can’t afford a turbine motorcycle? Don’t despair, you can have a pulsejet bicycle instead. It may not be quite as impressive but if you tell folks you have a jet bike without giving them too many details, they’ll think you’re a real rocketman.
Robert Maddox builds pulsejet engines. Pulsejets, for those of you not up on your aviation history, were the power used by the infamous German V1 buzzbombs in WWII. The buzzbomb got its name from the buzzing sound of the pulsejet engine and the engines Bob builds, true to form, sound exactly like you would expect.
He’s selling the engines and the photo here shows one attached to a bicycle, though he’s attached them to go karts and all sorts of other things. This version puts out 50 to 60 pounds of thrust, enough for 75 mph or so on the bike but he builds bigger ones, too, up to 1000 pounds of thrust, for your larger projects.
He has some videos and it’s very cool how they glow red when running, you might want some heat protection on your pant legs but there’s a pretty high cool factor here. Experiment at your own risk.

4 komentar:

bless mengatakan...


Cute Wilz mengatakan...

hem nice post. but nowadays bicycle have been recognized not for fast riding. because we also had car or motorcycle for it. today, bicycle is use for sport. to gain healthiness. so, it is to pity if everything we must make it fast. i think turbo is not deserve using in bicycle. but we can not limit our technology. so what they find we can consider it as a knowledge. ^^

Melz mengatakan...

ehm... very unique...
may be it can use for skateboard.. or rollerskate... but before use it, must control it first...

Mul'z mengatakan...

gile canggih bener tu sepeda..btw kecepatan nya berapa km/jam tu?hahahaha........