mobil menawarkan kombinasi dari kendaraan publik dan private...
Mobil ne di design utk mereka yg ksulitan cari tmpt parkir yg luas.
Now the time has to come to say goodbye to parking lots and get ready to say hello to hang outs.hehehe...sorry agak mix dikit pake English.
This stylish LIFT car concept can adjust itself in the aerial parking without demanding any extra space. Once you are done with your work, you can just drop it down and simply drive home. ngerti gk ampe sini ne..hehe..klo gk ntar ym gw za.huahuahua,,,
There is only one street smart solution to the soaring traffic problems and that is LIFT car concept. So wat do u think about my hanging car???
here the picture and will not invisible again.hahaha...