Guyz,,, karena kita mw kpantai gw uda siapin nech kapal selam yg keren'z bgt,,,,
byk pilihan warna tp gw ttp ma warna PINK dunx,,hehe,,,
kapal selam ne pake nano outlook jg lo,,
for the next use englsh ya,,
biasain la,,,kan kita nak Polteq..hehe,,,
this submarine boat is dazzling, sufficient to show the way, deep to the sea.
Enjoy the blues; the submarine craft has the outward show of a space ship especially on the first glance.
The outer shell of the nano automotive is glassy and glides to the back side.
The inner segment of the vessel is pretty precise with orderly placed seats for a pair. Side outlook of this vessel furnishes the impact of a fish like shark or may be a dwarf whale that swift softly all the way through the subterranean waters.
pasti byk gk ngerti kan??
tenang gw uda siapin gambar da biar xan tw bntk'y gmn.hehe,,,

6 komentar:
boy ... mana gambarnya ??? ehhh ... keren jak la. hahahaha
Du, tak ade gmbrnya leh..
Hahahaha, pante msh lama leh, tak sabar dah keh?? Mank ke pante tar kln mao pake submarine nih kah? hehehe, bingung. Emank buat ke randayan keh? liat dr penjelasan u sih bgs jg nih kpl selam hahaha
haha..Mane gambarnye??
hahah... Chakep Ndu kapalnye!! Transparan nampak apa2...hahah
Invisible eeeeeee
lu sendiri aja yg bawa kapal selamnya,kalau lu mau bawa sih kami ga masalah, mendingan lu naik bis duduk diatasnya sambil bawa kapal selam, gimana ok gak
DUdu, u salah makan obat ya?? ga ad gambar masa u blg ad gambar??
OoooO g tao, maksudnya tu kpal selam invisible ya, wah keren banget, mau donk buat kita ke pantai nanti ha ha ha
Napa permulaan pake b. indo n akhir2 pake b. Inggris?! semuanya la du, dari awal lngsng pake b. Ing, Polteq gitu lo, , , wakakkakaka
Awas du, kalo u brani ga ikut ke pantai, U beliin g kapal selam itu!!
maneeeee???? perlu pake kacamata khusus x ya u/ lht submarine yg hebat itu????? sehebat apapun submarine nya, kl ntar l yg ngendarain ke pantai sih mending g gk jd ke pantai nih, hohohoho
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